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This is the evolving schedule of the class. Visit often to stay in tune with upcoming changes and announcements. Also, remember to visit Google Classroom for reading materials and assignments.

Week DateTopicWho
1Tuesday01/21/2025What is research? What are your research interests?Perrone
Thursday01/23/2025Research as a process; reading a scientific paperPerrone
2Tuesday01/28/2025Literature search; staying organized; choosing your tools; working with a reference manager; crafting citationsPerrone
Thursday01/30/2025Teamwork preparation; writing successful proposals; crafting research questions Perrone
3Tuesday02/04/2025Working with LaTeX and BibTeXPerrone
Thursday02/06/2025How to write well; in-class writing exercisesPerrone
Student groups
4Tuesday02/11/2025Proposal writing workshopPerrone
Student groups
Thursday02/13/2025What makes a solid proposal (Q&A on your proposal project)Perrone
Student groups
5Tuesday02/18/2025Peer-review of team proposals
Refining the team proposal
Tips on public speaking and body language
Student groups
Thursday02/20/2025Proposal presentationsStudent groups
5Tuesday02/25/2025Introduction to modeling and simulationPerrone
Thursday02/27/2025Modeling and simulating a real systemPerrone
6Tuesday03/04/2025Modeling and simulation jigsawPerrone
Thursday03/06/2025Exploring and experimenting with simulationPerrone
7Tuesday03/11/2025Spring Recess
Thursday03/13/2025Spring Recess
8Tuesday03/18/2025Introduction to data visualization;
the grammar of graphics
Thursday03/20/2025Dataviz workshopPerrone
9Tuesday03/25/2025Working with RPerrone
Thursday03/27/2025Data visualization with RPerrone
10Tuesday04/01/2025Designing an effective posterPerrone
Student groups
Thursday04/03/2025Poster workshop – making a rubric to assess poster quality; pitch for studying abroad (semester programs)Perrone
11Tuesday04/08/2025Poster workshop – presenting a first draftPerrone
Thursday04/10/2025Poster workshop – iterating on the first draft and elevator pitch presentationsPerrone
12Tuesday04/15/2025Crafting effective presentationsPerrone
Thursday04/17/2025Presentation workshopPerrone
13Tuesday04/22/2025Presentation workshopPerrone
Thursday04/24/2025Student presentations – show final version of poster; present refined proposalPerrone
14Tuesday04/29/2025Student presentations – show final version of poster; present refined proposalPerrone
Last day of classes
05/01/2025Course conclusion
Course evaluation